Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Medals

At the end of my 3 miler today I went down a little dead end road to do some 100 meter strides. These little girls who had seen me running before stopped me again and asked "are you running a race?"  One week ago they asked me this same question.  I explained I was just practicing and I was going to run a race later.  The little four year old got all excited and said "Yay! I can stand right here and watch you!"  I told her it would be in August and she got even more excited "That's my birthday!"
Then her little three year old sister came over and gave me a little flower that was growing in the lawn.  She told me "this can be your medal".  Not to be outdone the four year old hands me her apple.  I wasn't sure if I should take the apple but the mom who was standing there assured me I could but I might not want to eat it cause she had been tossing it around. 
Really cute girls.  It has really surprised me how friendly people are here in this little small town.  The mom was just chatting with me about her kids and how much each of them weighed when they were born and everything. 
I didn't finish my fourth stride cause as I was standing there talking I thought I was going to pass out.  I had to sit down on the sidewalk for a bit but luckily was just a block or so from home.
Kids are so darn cute!
Sweaty me with my "medals".


  1. too cute!

    As far as the kickboard goes I do that for 30-35 min. by kicking the length of the pool 10times then rest for 30 sec and repeat until time is up.

    I do that by itself a day to focus on legs as well as increase ankle flexibility. By doing the same motion for the entire time I drive those muscles into exhaustion, then rest them the next day so they can repair and remember. Then on seperate day I focus on swimming which is more arm driven then legs. I do seperate strength training outside the pool as well.

    Shoot me an email if you want to chat more :)

  2. Oh my goodness! This is so cute, thanks for making me smile! I love your medals:)
