Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunday School

Thomas and I were called to be Sunday School teachers and our first lesson is on Sunday. This week each night we have gone through part of the lesson together and discussed it.  I am loving the chance to learn more from the scriptures and to sit and listen to Thomas' thoughts and opinions.  It has been a really good chance to grow together spiritually.  I'd say we are for the most time pretty silly together so it's nice to have some serious, significant, and important conversations. 
This weeks lesson is about things from Proverbs.  A lot of the scriptures just spoke right to us.  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths."
Lately it's been difficult because since we have moved to Idaho, Thomas has not been able to find an x-ray tech job.  He has applied to SO many places and done a tone of following up through phone calls and stopping by the offices, but no luck.  In such a small town it seems you just really have to know somebody.  I just feel so bad for Thomas because he worked so hard in school and now it just isn't working out.  He is such a hard worker, he enjoys working, and any place of employment would be so lucky to have him work for them. 
So going back to the scripture in Proverbs.  At times I've really questioned the Lord.  I wonder why isn't he helping us?  I know he is all powerful and that he CAN, so why won't he? At times this whole experience has made me want to just give up on the Lord.  I have thought, well if you're not going to help us, why should I bother?  But ultimately I know that this experience can make me and us stronger if we trust in the Lord's plan for us.  We just need to keep trying our hardest to stay close to him, try our hardest in pursuing a job and let Him handle the rest. 
I guess sometimes I expect my problems to be fixed with one little prayer.  But maybe it's going to take months of prayer.  And maybe God has a different career path in mind for Thomas.  It's hard not know what His plan is for us.  But that's when I have to remember "lean not unto thine own understanding."  I have a very short sighted view of things and God has an eternal view. 
We are very grateful that Thomas has gotten a job, it's not x-ray but for now it is paying the bills.  And this week he is able to even work overtime, so that helps.  I love Thomas so much.  The job he has is sorting mortage company paperwork and pretty tedious but he comes home happy to see me and doesn't complain.  He willingly works overtime and is happy for the chance to provide for us.  He is so amazing. 

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