Sunday, August 8, 2010

Small Town Saturday Night

One thing that we like about living in such a small town is all of the activites that go on and a lot of them are free and within walking distance.  We think that people in a small town must be more healthy since you tend to walk more often. 
We like the Farmers Market and Concerts in the Park to name a couple. This weekend they had an event going on at Porter Park which is about a half mile from our apartment.  It was a fundraiser to raise money to "knock out" Rett's syndrome, which is a form of autism that affects mainly little girls.   They had free inflatable toys for the kids, a concert stage, grass volleyball tournament, food vendors, silent auction, and rock climbing wall.

The rock climbing wall
 I was bummed I hadn't heard about the grass v-ball tournament earlier or I totally would have signed up with Thomas.  We did go back home and get our ball and play some one on one once the tournament was over.  I miss volleyball! It's crazy how you can be in good shape in one sport (running)  but not so great shape in another sport (volleyball).  I was sweating like crazy.  I hope to get on an intrumural grass v-ball team once fall semester starts. 
Ivan and baby Alex showed up at the park to play at the splash park and eat lunch so we hung with them for a bit too.

Alex stuck his face in the ravioli bowl.

The splash park.  Why can't they have an adult version of this?

The park carousel.

Such a good Tio, blowin bubbles for his nephew's entertainment.
Later that night we went to the Idaho International Dance Competition. There were teams from Mongolia, Mexico, China, Thailand, and even Egypt! But I'm thinking they were just of those nationalities, cause when Bea asked the Mexican dance team what part of Mexico they were from a girl turned to look at her and said in perfect english "we're from Chicago." 
My favorite performance by far was the egyptian.  They had a fun latin feel to them.  Throughout their performances the girls would do this crazy yell and their tongues would move up and down and wiggle in their mouths.
The Egyptian girls were all really pretty.  The guys all looked very much alike.
Thailand, such tiny girls!

My second favorite group Culture Shock LA

This egyptian guy spun around for a song that lasted for at least five minutes!

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