Sunday, August 8, 2010

3 weeks till half marathon #5

Monday: Treadmill 2x [800 SI(400), 400SI (200), 200SI (200), 1200 PI]
Numbers in parentheses is the length of recovery jog.  SI is a speed interval or 5k pace.  My first set was at 8:00/mile, second set I pushed it to a 7:40 pace.  PI is pace interval or half marathon pace, I ran this at 8:47/mile.  First set I had the treadmill at a .5 incline and the second set at a 1.0 incline. 
10 minutes pilates for flexibility
8 minutes Jillian Arms and Core
Tuesday: 30 minutes of kickboarding
Wednesday: 4 miles with 6x1:00 speed intervals.  This one was hard! Legs felt slow, it was hot, had to walk a bit.
Mile 1- 8:22
Mile 2- 9:37
Mile 3- 10:55
Mile 4- 10:58
YIKES! But I got er' done.
Thursday:  3 mile bike ride, 10 minutes swimming
Friday: 10K ( I couldn't find one to run on a Friday so I decided to do a new route.  I felt like crap! My neck and shoulders and abs were all really tight and I felt short of breath and like my legs were really heavy the whole time.  So at about mile 2.7 I started to walk one minute and then jog a minute.  I couldn't even keep 10K pace for one minute!) Like I said on Wednesday though, I get er' done. 
Saturday: 8 mile run on treadmilll in 1:15:28 that's a 9:26 pace.  Faster than Friday's 10K.  I was nervous to do this run becuase of Saturday's results but my body felt really good.  I had an incline of 1.0 the first 4 miles with 1 minute intervals of inclines up to 5.0.  Then the last 4 miles I increased the incline by .5 each mile till I ended with an incline of 3.0. 
Coming up this next week is my longest training run of this training cycle, a twelve miler!

1 comment:

  1. And hey, you got er done! That is important. Just thinking of a 12 miler scares me, good luck! And thanks for the Imma Be suggestion. You're right, the beat is AWESOME!
