Friday, January 7, 2011

Class Review

So far so good on the school front.  Here is what I am taking this semester and a little review.
Senior Practicum- We had a 4.5 hour seminar on Thursday and it was okay although I think it could have been shortened to like two hours.  This is the professor I'm not too fond of and he was actually super nice.  He told us that he has coached tennis for years and he never yelled at a player til he started coaching his son.  When he realized what he was doing he told his son that he could just say "Dad, cool it!". He told us that sometimes he gets a little overzealous and we can tell him to cool it.  I'm thinking it has something to do with the fact that he made me bawl my eyes out last semester and I think it's nice that he is aknowledging that he can be over the top and mean and that he wants to be told if he is.  Although I don't know if I'd have the guts to confront him again.  Hopefully there won't be any problems.  The one thing I and the other students don't like about his class is that it's not clear what assignments are due when.  It makes life a little more stressful when you don't have a list of assignments and due dates and you just have to look online to find what is due and hope you found everything.  Our school uses something called Brainhoney, where each class has their own little page that has all the class information and where you can submit assignments and take quizzes.
Spanish Teaching Methods- I have taken a class from this professor before and I really like him.  He has a very similar teaching philosophy as I do.  In fact today a lot of the class we talked about how the two most important things that effect a students education are a positive self concept and a positive student/teacher relationship.  I know that students will become who you believe that they can become.  I became an A student and a hard working athlete because I had teachers and coaches who believed in my abilities, so I believed in myself in return. Too many teachers think that just because they know the subject matter makes them a good teacher.  I think by knowing your students you become a good teacher.
Assessment and Evaluation- I really like my teacher in this class too.  Here were learn how to make tests.
Social Studies Methods- The teacher seems pretty funny.  It's a guy teacher so I'm afraid he won't be organized (I've heard rumors he's not). One thing we talked about today was the importance of teaching social studies through stories and not through dates and locations.  We all remember a good story, so if we want our students to remember history we need to make it interesting through stories.
Since I missed Wednesday I still haven't gone to my Old Testament class (a certain amount of religion credits are required) or my P.E. Methods class. I'm excited about P.E. methods in the syllabus it says that if we want to opt out of taking the final we can just teach a P.E. lesson at a local elementary school.  Heck yes!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have Brother Magleby for Social Studies Methods? If you do then he is more disorganized than you could ever believe. It's an easy class but incredibly frustrating and you won't learn anything. I promise.

    PE Methods is the BEST! Make sure that you schedule your final teaching early in the semester. The PE teacher he uses gets crazy at the end of the semester.
