Friday, May 21, 2010

Going the Extra Mile

This past week's running schedule:


2 circuits Jillian Blast Fat Boost Metabolism

2x1-mile @ 10K pace (800 recovery jog), 6x200@ 5K pace (200 recovery jog) = 4.5 miles


2 circuits Jillian Blast Fat Boost Metabolism

4miles 8:53 pace


2 circuits Jillian Blast Fat Boost Metabolism

4 miles 8:41 pace

Jillian Yoga Meltdown




2 circuits Jillian No More Trouble Zones

5 miles 9:05 pace


10 mile long run

    Wednesday workout was supposed to be 4 miles at half marathon goal race pace (9:00) and then a half mile recovery jog and then 1 mile at 10K pace (which for me is about 8:30). But 2 miles into the run it started absolutely POURING rain! It was like Noah and the Ark flood style rain! I was completely drenched and I could hear the squishing of my shoes over the music on my iPod. I ran back and made it four miles and decided I should probably stop. I was kind of bummed because I was feeling great. Something about the rain just makes you run a little faster. I guess because you are trying to run away from or out of it. So instead of the extra mile and a half I did Jillian's Yoga.

    I have also decided to add 12 minutes a day to my workout routine. Since I am running 5 days a week with this half marathon training program, I was missing my Jillian. So I started waking up ten minutes earlier in the morning to do two 6 minute circuits of her videos. That way I get through at least one full Jillian workout per week. What inspired this change was a story one of the ladies at church told. She was telling about this American gymnast (I can't remember his name). Right before training camp this gymnasts coach took him aside and told him "There is only one thing I want you to focus on when you are at camp. I don't want you to worry so much about your routine or anything else. The only thing I want you to focus on is training harder than any other athlete at camp." The gymnast agreed to do so. After everybody else would leave from practice he would stay after and keep working. That Olympics he ended up winning a gold medal and he attributed it to his coach's advice. So how much longer do you think he would stay after to train??? I was thinking like a couple hours or so. Nope, he only stayed 15 minutes extra, but it made all the difference.

So that's why I have decided to add an extra 12 minutes in the morning. I know I'm not going to turn into an Olympic athlete but it helps. I feel more awake after working out. But it's totally manageable waking up only 10 minutes earlier. I'm totally not a morning exerciser; I think sleep is just as important for me as exercising. But like a say 10 less minutes of sleep is nothing and I feel better after doing it.


  1. I'm exausted reading your post, I think I'm going to take a nap now.

  2. Holy geeze woman!! Are you sure you aren't training for a full marathon??
