Sunday, May 2, 2010

Getting to Know You Sunday

1. Are you superstitious? Maybe when it comes to running.  I have to do things on race day just the same way I normally do them.  But otherwise, no.

2. If you were an animal..what kind would you be? I don't really like animals.  But I do like horses cause they are fun to ride and useful.  So I'd be a horse.

3. You would never catch me wearing.........? Remember those robe like things I think they were called "dusters"  I saw someone wearing one the other day.  I'd never wear one of those.

4. If someone posts a you watch it? Yes.

5. Have you ever waxed your girlie/manly parts..or any other part of your body? Yes, I've done the brazilian a couple times.  Let me tell you it HURTS! I think I'll stick with the bikini for now on.  I took one of my older sisters with me one time and she came out and said "You for sure need a couple drinks before doing that!" I get my eyebrows waxed every month or so.

6. Are you a spender or a saver? Spender for sure! If I have the money I immediately think of a million ways to spend it.  Luckily Thomas is a saver so it balances me out.

7. If you were starring in a movie..who would you want to play your leading man/woman? Sandra Bullock, she rocks at any role i.e., The Blind Side, Miss Congeniality, The Proposal, and she is beautiful.

8. Smoker..never smoker..or smoked back in the day? Never smoked and never will.

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