Sunday, May 23, 2010

Getting to Know You Sunday

1. Do you have a fetish? I had to look this word up, wasn't too sure what it meant.  According to "any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion: to make a fetish of high grades." I would say running is a fetish of mine.

2. Do you sing in the shower? If I am trying to get my mind off something or if I want to put myself in a good mood.

3. Who was your first crush? Celebrity crush was "JTT" or maybe Devon Sawa.  Remember those guys? Where are they now I wonder. I remember my sisters and cousin and I getting a tape and pretending we were on a talk show that JTT and Devon Sawa came on.  And I totally and pics ripped out of magazines taped on my bedroom walls.
4. What do you think is the best manly trait a guy could have? Being athletic. I want a guy to be stronger and faster than I am.

5. Do you sleep naked? Nope

6. What do you do when (you think) no one is looking? Scratch my bum.

7. What's the first thing you do when you go online? Sign into my email and check blogs.

8. Summer is.....? BBQ's, warm weather, boating, being tan.

To play along go to MannLand

1 comment:

  1. Wow, from your picture I can tell you and your husband had a fabulous wedding, your dress is stunning. Anyway, I'm here lagging behind from the MannLand5's blog hop and your newest follower. Hope you'll come by my blog and follow me too okay? Can't have too many blogging buddies if you ask me. Thanks!
