Thursday, October 4, 2012

4 Months

Brooklyn turned 4 months when we were in Washington so I missed taking her pictures till a week after.
At 4 months Brooklyn...

- Falls asleep in the car easily (no crying!)

- Drools a ton!
- Stats:
Weight 11.81 lbs (6th percentile)
Length 23.25 inches (6th percentile)
Head Circumference 15.55 inches (17th percentile)

- Is really social and likes to be out and about and have people talk to her and tell her how cute she is.  She then will give the cutest smile.
- Goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up around 8am.  (But wakes up about every 3-4 hours to eat)
- Will lift her neck up and try to reach out to you when you extend your arms to pick her up.
- Loves her hands and sucks on all her fingers and her whole fist sometimes too.
- Makes noises like she is trying to say something. (Her voice is the cutest thing ever)

- Takes a morning nap about an hour after waking up that lasts about 45 minutes and then has sporadic naps throughout the day she usually only stays up for about an hour to an hour and a half in between naps.
- Has a big ol' bald spot at the back of her head.
- Smiles a ton everyone always comments on what a happy baby she is when I take her out in public she is extra happy when we go out cause she loves people admiring her not even kidding. She earned 20 dollars at my mom's yard sale because a guy thought she was so cute.  He handed me $20 and said "this is for the baby".  I just bought her a Sophie the Giraffe toy with it :)
- Wears 3 month onesies but 3 month pants are still too big on her. 

*And just a side note at four months postpartum I fit into my favorite pair of skinny jeans pre-baby!!! I didn't think I was ready to try them on til my hair dresser commented that I looked smaller than I was before I had the baby (I'm not).  But that gave me the courage to try them on and lo and behold they fit!!!


  1. she is so cute and so tiny! i love that our babies are so close in age :)

  2. Go girl! Fitting into your fave jeans! I can tell you're a great Mama.. You've always been a great Mama! :) Brooklyn is so gorg! I laughed watching the video when you said "her attention cries" haha cute XO LOVE YOU!

  3. Our cute little 4 month old peanut! Thanks for letting her spend her 4 month mark at Nana & Pops! We loved having you guys visit, and NOT just because you super dejunked for me! lol
