Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Glucose Test

I have been worried about this test before even getting pregnant.  Pretty sure the first time I heard about it I was like "ew gross!"  For two reasons: #1 I am have a hard time taking medicine (I know glucose isn't really a medicine) #2 I hate getting my blood drawn.

The lovely orange flavor glucose drink has been sitting in my fridge for the past few weeks smiling at me everytime I opened it.  Today at 10:25 am I got it out of there and chugged it in 55 seconds.  I timed it on my phone cause I didn't know if it would be so gross it would take me the whole 10 minutes or not.  Luckily it wasn't bad, just super sugary and burned a bit on the way down.

I felt just fine my whole appointment as I was getting my blood pressure taken and the doctor checked the baby's heartrate.  While I was waiting in the hall outside of the room to get my blood drawn I started to feel lightheaded.  I tried taking deep breaths, thinking I was just anxious. That didn't help. I put my head in between my legs.  That didn't help.  Finally I told Thomas I needed to lay down.  He was sitting on a bench next to another lady and they both got up so I could lay down.  The lady asked me how far along I was and when I told her 28 weeks she was like "And you are STILL sick?!"  I just told her I had taken the glucose and Thomas told her I was kind of freaked out by needles and blood.  She said that's why she wasn't in the other room with her daughter cause she can't stand needles or blood either.  Anyways, then my nurse came by and the lady who takes the blood came out and they were concerned because my face had gone white and my lips were blue.  The blood drawer (I know there is a name for it but I can't think of it) decided to just draw my blood out in the hall so I wouldn't need to get up. They brought me a pillow and water and had the nurse stand to try and block me from view so other patients wouldn't freak out :)

I love the clinic that I go to.  The blood drawer is so fast and can get a vein no problem.  My nurse is a sweetheart and the ultrasound tech is too.  Once I had sat out in the hall for a bit after the blood draw they moved me to the ultrasound room that was right across the hall so I could rest for awhile more.  At the suggestion of my friend Tess I had brought a bag of cashews for afterwards and that helped.

My nurse Jennifer was saying that probably why I started feeling so faint was because I just had a huge sugar crash.  She said that happens to people who don't eat a lot of sugar and aren't used to it.  I laughed inside at that because I am definitely used to sugar :) But I guess lately I haven't really eaten as much because sugary things give me heartburn.  (I got the go ahead to take Zantac for it and so far today it's working).

After laying down and getting some food in me I was golden and feeling good again.  I have all my appointments scheduled until my due date (and one a few days after just in case I go over).  The excitement is building!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad things went relatively well. I hate that lightheaded pass out feeling though. But hooray you are done with it! And you have lived to tell the tale! Isn't it weird to have all your appointments scheduled? You are nearing the finish line!
