Thursday, February 23, 2012

Funny Funny

First graders really do say the funniest things.  And little boys are just so gross and hilarious.  I have been subbing a lot in first grade classes.
I was leading the reading center and one little boy caught another little boy picking his nose and Boy number one said "Ew gross! Stop picking your nose."  Boy number two: "But I'm hungry!!!" (it was around lunch time).

Today in another first grade class I was standing with them as they were in line for lunch. Choice one was pancakes and choice two was weiner wraps.  I overheard the following from two of the first grade boys "Ew gross those come from pig weiners!" "No they are human weiners!" Haha only one of the 25 or so students chose the weiner wraps.  I don't know why they call them that it sounds so unappetizing.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Huey and I just started teaching the 5-6yr olds in Primary. Yeah, some of the things kids say at that age are just priceless!
