Thursday, September 2, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1.  I love pillow talk.  Last night Thomas just let me go on and on about experiences I had while in Ecuador.  I love that he is really interested in listening. 

2. This week I've decided to do whatever workouts I feel like and wait to start training for the 5K.  Monday I did Jillian's No More Trouble Zones.  I was sooooooo sore the next day.  Not a good idea to do one of her workouts only a day after running a half marathon.  My butt was the sorest part so I had Thomas use his elbows to give me a really deep butt massage.  The next day I did a 3 mile power walk with my heart rate monitor.  I always thought that walking just was not beneficial at all but it still got my heart rate up into the 130's going uphill.  Jillian's Yoga Meltdown felt absolutely wonderful yesterday and really helped take away the soreness.  Today was a bike around town and do errands day for excercise.

3. I finally subscribed to Runner's World magazine and got my first issue today! Love it.  It really motivates me to train hard. It has an article about Kara Goucher and Paula Radcliffe, two marathoners, and even now as they are pregnant they run twice a day and can do like 7 minute miles! That's insane.  I honestly don't know if I could do one seven minute mile.  But for them that is slowing it down big time, because there usual times are 5:30 miles for a whole 26.2!


  1. I am also anticipating my first issue of Runner's World. It is like a big thing! Almost an official runners card or something!

  2. I just found your blog! I just recently subscribed to runners world too! :D
