Monday, February 11, 2013

Brooklyn's First Haircut

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Doesn't this before and after totally remind you of a weight loss one? Not smiling and close up in the before and smiling and a little further away in the after.
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Lovely baby locks
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Thomas of Salon Tomas working his magic.
Brooklyn got her first haircut this Sunday.  I was going to take her to the salon where I get my hair done but it seemed like such a hastle.  I was too chicken to do it but Thomas was brave and got the scissors out to give her a little trim.  Just the very top of her hair was really long and looked uneven so he evened it out with a few snips.  I saved the little locks to put in her baby book. 


  1. I love the "before" and "after" pictures! Hilarious! She is such doll!

  2. It looks so good now! Hairdresser Tomas did a muy fabuloso job!

  3. How in the world can she be old enough for her first haircut?!! Can't wait to get my lips on those chubby little cheeks and hands and belly and....!
