Friday, September 22, 2017

Wells Month 4

The 11 hour sleeping at night ended. We moved, he got a cold, started rolling from tummy to back and I think that all contributed to him waking up 3-5 times a night.

Loves watching his mobile. Nana got him one for the car which has helped with the car crying.

Super smiley.

Almost grown out of all 3 month clothes and fitting in 6 month clothes.

Starting to develop napping patterns. Up for 1.5 hours asleep for 1 hour throughout the day.

Started stroller strides with me.

Neck control is good enough that big sister can hold him while she stands up.

Super stinky gas! Mom needs to try cutting out dairy.

Switched to crib

Started drooling a ton and wanting hands in mouth. I bought these bibs that work great for keeping his shirts dry.

Is rockin’ the old man hair. Long along the back and sides and minimal on top.

He had his 4 month appointment a little late, he was 4.5 months but here were his stats:
16lbs 9.5 oz (64th percentile)
2ft 1.39 inches (44th percentile)
Head circumference 43cm (78th percentile) 

1 comment:

  1. His hair line is my favorite and Brooky looks so blonde!!!!
