Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Thursday Play Dates

Brooklyn and I have been SO blessed to meet amazing friends this past year.  The mom's that I have gotten to know through a couple of mom groups I am a part of have been such great examples to me and inspire me to become a better person and mom.
Our Thursday play group started last summer. A bunch of us kept running into each other at different activites like Baby Signing Time, library story time, the park, etc. and someone came up with the great idea to start an e-mail list with all our e-mails so we could organize play dates.
A lot of the moms in this group are from other countries.  We have some from Italy, Singapore, Mexico, and England.
During the summer we would all meet at the park but in the winter months we switch of hosting at our different houses.  Recently we also decided to start a Mommy Book Club where each month we choose and discuss a different parenting book.
Brooklyn feels right at home at all of her friends' houses.  It's been so fun seeing all these little ones grow up together.  There are a few that we have known since they were newborns!
Here is a shot of some of them from one of our play dates this winter.

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Can you tell my child loves Elmo?
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Little blondies.
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Oliver not so thrilled that his crib is being invaded.
To go along with that picture of Brooklyn in the crib with her friends. Brooklyn is like Goldilocks, she loves to try out other people's cribs and highchairs. Like my friends make sure they clean their highchairs before we come over because they know Brooklyn will be wanting to sit in it.

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