Saturday, March 29, 2014


We have officially weaned from the binky! I have seriously dreaded doing this since Brooklyn was a newborn.  I wish we had never had to use a binky but since the day she was born she was always wanting to suck.  The first couple weeks we would just have her suck on our fingers to pacifie he.  I hadn't wanted her to get nipple confusion and not be able to breastfeed so I waited a bit to give her the binky.
This girl LOVED her binky! When she was an infant Brooklyn would only take the soothie style pacifier. Probably once she got to a year she would take whatever kind she could get. At around 18 months I started being really strict about her just having it in the car and when sleeping.
Finally, at 21 months I knew it was time to get rid of it.  In the car she wanted two binks and if one fell we had a huge meltdown if I couldn't reach back to get it.  Also, at night I liked her to use the wub-a-nub with the attached little animal so it wouldn't fall through the cracks of the crib and her wake up crying.  But Brooklyn started chewing through the pacifiers on those because they are just infant soothies.  I didn't want her choking on a piece of pacifier.
I started on a Friday night so that I would have the support of Thomas on the weekend.  Basically for a few days she screamed "binky!" and cried at naptime and bedtime and her naps were a little off for about a week. When I would put her down to sleep and she would ask for it I would just tell her "Binky went bye-bye, binky's broken." She would still be upset but she would often repeat back to me "Binky bye-bye? Binky broken?"  I was pleasantly surprised at the relative ease of it all.  I've found a lot of times in motherhood I expect the worst only to be pleasantly surprised.

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A few weeks old and the wub-a-nub is almost as big as her!
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Father's Day 2012
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Nana and her bink what more could a girl want?
I would wash the wub-a-nubs by putting them in a garment bag and throwing them in the washer and then hold them over a pot of boiling water to sanitize the nipple. I was putting Brooklyn to bed one night and totally forgot about the wub-a-nub over the pot of boiling water and all of the water evaporated and the binky part started melting. Brooklyn and I had to evacuate the house for an hour or so to let the smell leave. We probably went through six or seven wub-a-nubs.  Some were lost others burned others chewed up.  The giraffe was obviously the favorite but we also had a pink bear, elephant, and monkey.
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The pink bear didn't last long
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September 2012 about 4 months old.
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October 2012 about 5 months old
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Thanksgiving Day 2012.  6 months old.
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About 7 months old
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With our neighbor Maha.  About 8 months old.
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About 9 months old
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A year old
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16 months old and the last picture I think I have of her with a binky.
Here's to the end of the binky era!


  1. The October 2012 5 months old picture kills me! So cute! Yay for kicking the habit. We are still in full pacifier swing over here. It has been forever since we've seen you guys! We need to get together. Penny is going to be 2 in less than 2 weeks, where did the time go?!

  2. Oh I love wub a nubs! Lincoln had a monkey and he loved it. He gave it up on his own when he was about 9 months which was nice. He still takes a bottle though, so we really need to kick that habit. Your post gave me hope that it will go smoothly :)
