Monday, September 3, 2012

3 Months

We have seen a big change in Brooklyn in the last couple weeks.  Maybe it's just that we know how to interpret her needs better but there seems to be less crying and bouncing and more playing and smiles lately.

At three months:
- Brooklyn can bat at her toys on her play mat and mobile and grab them purposefully.

- Still wakes up about every three hours at night to eat.
- Eats every two hours during the day.
- Can be in her car seat without crying!!!
- She likes to stand up.

- Likes to sit up facing outward so she can see things.

- Faces forward in her Snugli.

- Likes her baths and will suck on the hand towel I put over her.
- During the day she is awake for about an hour and then will take a half hour nap (and usually one two hour nap a day).

- Still likes to be swaddled for naps and bedtime.
- When her binky comes out of her mouth she tries to put it back in.
- We have her bedtime routine down.  We start getting ready at around 8pm and give her a bath, pajamas, swaddle, binky, a few minutes of bouncing on the exercise ball, and in the crib to sleep by about 8:30pm.
- She doesn't fit in 3 month clothes yet, the bottoms are huge on her still.
- At her three month well baby visit she was 10lbs 1.2 oz (3rd percentile), 22.75 inches (17th percentile), and her head circumference was 15 inches (11th percentile).
- When I am done getting her dressed in the morning I will put her in front of her mirror that is next to the mobile I made to hang over her bed.  She will smile at herself in the mirror and then immediately stare at the mobile.
- She almost always has her hand in her mouth.  Lately it's been a whole fist.

We sure love this little girl!


  1. She is getting so interactive! I love all her little faces and smiles!

  2. Lindsey, I would really like you to reconsider putting Brooklyn forward facing in her carrier.

  3. It looks like someone may end up being a south-paw like her mommy!
