Friday, July 12, 2013

Mr. Mom

It always cracks me up when I find some of the little mishaps that happen while Thomas is being Mr. Mom. For example:

One Saturday morning I got up and asked how Brooklyn had eaten and what she had eaten for breakfast.  Thomas told me she had eaten the oatmeal in the fridge in the container with the blue lid.  I look in the fridge and realize he had fed her pancake batter! Haha luckily it didn't have egg in it since she is intolerant so no worries.  I asked him how she liked it and she said she would only eat like 4 or 5 bites.

One afternoon Thomas changed Brooklyn's diaper.  She had been wearing a skirt that had little built-in shorts.  I picked her up and noticed he had put both her legs through one of the holes. I thought she had been walking kind of funny ;).

To be continued...


  1. Hahaha!! Pancake batter... Hilarious. That reminds me of the time right after the twins were born when Rob's dad was here getting Collin dressed, and Collin came down in reeaally tight shorts. It took me a second to realize they were newborn pants. :)

  2. Hahaha! Thanks for the good laugh Lindsey, I needed it as I'm sitting here with waves of nausea from the Suprep medicine I have to take in order to prepare for my colonoscopy in the morning.
