Sunday, November 6, 2011

First grade long term sub job

I started my long term sub job a little earlier than expected. The teacher I am subbing for went to her appointment and was already dilated to a four and had big time swelling so the doctor wanted her to be off her feet.
The first grade class I will be in for the next couple months is a great group of kids and they crack me up.  That age is so lovable and they will just tell you that they like you and they want to hold your hand and really make you feel loved.
On my first day the students were working on writing three things that they like about the "All About Me" student for that week.  Once they wrote their three sentences they would come up to me and read them to me and I would help them make any corrections.  I was helping one student and I hear "Laurence is cutting his hair!" I look up and little blondie boy has scissors frozen above his head and had taken two big chunks out of his hair.  My first reaction was "Why did you do that!?" He didn't really reply and so I just went over and whispered to him that he'd need to stay in at recess so we could call his parents.  One little girl was like "My mom would be pissed!" (I can't believe a first grader knows that word, but it kind of made me laugh inside).  So at recess I took him down to the office to get his parents phone number and the principal was in there just getting off the phone.  I guess they have had problems with this little one before so the principal said she would call.  She put the phone on speaker and dad answered and she let him know that Laurence had decided to take a couple chunks out of his hair and she didn't want him to be surprised when he got off the bus.  Dad handled it very well and just said "Well I guess he'll be pretty embarrassed when he comes to school with a bald head on Monday."  I don't think this little guy will choose to cut his hair again.  As we were walking back to class I said in my most compassionate voice "Looks like you'll have to find some warm hats to wear this winter to keep your head warm."  We'll see how things look on Monday.

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