We haven't had the best of luck with the Brooklyn and church
combination. She isn't old enough to stay awake for three hours in a
row and even if she was it seems that nap time always coincide with
church time. We have had to skip out on church a few times or leave
early because of a meltdown. Today Thomas and I were in our jammies all
day dealing with a VERY cranky baby. We have never had such a hard
time calming her down and getting her to sleep as we did today. It took
us 2 1/2 hours to get her to sleep for her first nap of the day and she
cried the whole time. It didn't matter if we were holding her or she
was laying down in her crib. We tried a warm bath, gripe water,
teething gel. bouncing, rocking. walking, just letting her be... and
nothing work. Til finally Thomas went to Walgreens to get some more
gripe water and a laid her down but with her head propped up in the
Boppy and put the mobile on and lied down next to her and she fell
asleep. Buuuuttttt only for thirty minutes which I don't consider a
real restorative nap for her. So then after thirty minutes of being
away the crying commenced again. Thomas decided to take her on a walk
in the stroller and let me stay at home to de-stress. They were gone
for about an hour and she slept pretty much the whole way. I enjoyed a
nice hot bath with bath salts from the farmer's market and then felt the
urge to clean my messy house. Sometimes a clean house is just the
ticket to a better mood. By the time they got back the laundry was
sorted and washer started, bedroom clean, and dining room table cleared
of the accumulated junk with a vanilla creme brulee candle going.
Ahhhh! So much better.
We are thinking she might be having tummy
issues because of starting solids. She started being more fussy than
normal the day after we tried avocado's so we will eliminate those and
hope that helps. Poor baby it just breaks my hear hearing her cry and
not knowing how to help.
I'm hoping we survive this week alone without the help of Thomas!
Blaine is allergic to avocados. Be careful if you think that's the issue, because she will also be allergic to bananas and latex. When we first gave Blaine bananas it was obvious to me that he was allergic, and his pediatrician told us to wait a couple of months and then try again because he could grow out of it. But his rash broke out even worse the second time we tried. Allergies are no fun...sorry =[