Sunday night when I got up to feed Brooklyn at 1am she started throwing up and then dry heaving about every 20 minutes or so for a couple hours. Broke my heart! I was worried to put her back in her bassinet after the first time she threw up cause I didn't want her to choke so I held and rocked her in the glider. She would fall asleep and then start whimpering and I would hold her over the garbage to throw up. We later ended up in bed together. Luckily it was just a couple of hours that she was sick and there was no fever. I'm thinking there could have been a few reasons she got sick: being on an airplane with lots of germs, not getting enough sleep that weekend from traveling, and from drinking a bottle of breastmilk that had been in the fridge for 4 days (They say 3 days but up to 8 days is safe. We'll stick with 1-2 days for now on.).
So glad my girly is all smiles and healthy again.
So sorry Lindsey, that's the worse thing for a mommy! I'm glad she's all better!