Friday, May 11, 2012

A couple more weeks

All this week I subbed in a first grade class at Pioneer (where I did my student teaching).  I loved being able to eat lunch with my teacher pals and being in the same class all week.  Some funny things the little first graders said:
Student: Mrs. G. do you have a baby in your belly?
Me: Yep
Student: Mrs. G. why you bring your baby to school like that?

Student: Mrs. Giles at recess Preston pushed me in the private part. You know, the part where milk comes out of. 

I was a little disappointed at my appointment this past Tuesday because I hadn't progressed any since my appointment the week before.  Still only 50% effaced and a fingertip dilated.  After measuring my stomach the doctor asked how big I was as a baby.  I said around 8lbs (my mom later told me I was 8lbs 6 oz).  I asked why, did she think my baby was going to be big and she replied "well your stomach is... ample".  Haha. She did reassure me though that she had delivered a 10lb 9oz baby a couple days before and that my baby wouldn't be that big. 

I really am glad that the last part of pregnancy hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.  Yes I have horrible heartburn and my back hurts when I sit for longer than 10 minutes but other than that I feel pretty good.  I am scheduled to sub next week for a couple days in a kindergarten class and then I think from that point on I will just take half days.  That way I can get lots of sleep but still stay occupied. 

Thomas is still being a wonderful husband to a pregnant lady.  This morning he gave me a back massage before I got out of bed and then made me a smoothie for breakfast and then brought lunch to school for us to eat together.  Love him! I went and got a spa pedicure after work today and loved that they let me sit in the massage chair for an hour afterwards to watch Ellen while my nails dried.  I gave them a good tip for that.


  1. I've heard pedicures are supposed to induce labor so maybe you won't be subbing next week, ha! I'm so excited for you guys!

  2. I am so glad that you got to relax with a pedicure! Happy Mothers Day!
