Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Due Date

Today was my due date.  I didn't really think I would go in to labor before or on my due date just because it seems to be a trend in my family to go on or after.  But it's still a little disappointing.  Luckily the day still was made fabulous. 
At my appointment this morning, after hearing the discouraging news that I was still at a one and only 50% effaced, the doctor had us get an ultrasound to make sure that the baby was head down.  So we got to see our little sweetie :) The ultrasound tech was amazed by the size of her cheeks.  They for sure looked nice and chunky and made her lips poke out.  We can't wait to kiss those chubby cheeks and lips. 
Thomas is good about suggesting that we walk a lot to try and get things going (although apparently walking isn't doing much).  So, after the appointment we went to a nearby park and got our daily walk in. 
I am scheduled to be induced next Tuesday morning. This gives me a lift knowing that there IS an end in sight.
My good friend Lyndsay Howell came by to visit with her one week old baby Korbin and that helped pass the afternoon while Thomas was at work.  I also did some more cooking of freezer meals and the freezer is stocked so when we have family is here there will be quick meals. 
This evening I treated myself to a prenatal massage and it was wonderful.  I could seriously be massaged all day long and not get tired of it.  Sixty minutes of being massaged flies by.
So I am back to work tomorrow all day subbing in one of the kinder classes that I sub for quite a bit.  I'm hoping this week flies by and am excited for this weekend to see my Mom, Dad, and younger sister and her baby!


  1. So excited for you!!! Hang in there!!!

  2. I can't believe you're still working when you're about to have a baby any day now! Hope it's soon, good luck :)
