Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What's going on

Life lately has been pretty routine (which I love routine so that is totally okay with me).  I've been substituting everyday except when I have a doctors appointment which is every two weeks now.  Thomas is going to school and working so we see each other for an hour every morning lol.  He has been working full time since right after Christmas to train in the operating room but has still been considered part-time. This last week he interviewed for a full-time position and got it :) The nice thing is that he will keep the exact same schedule and the only thing that will change will be he get's a raise and we will pay less for our insurance premium.  Once the baby get's here we will be paying a couple dollar less than we were with him getting part-time benefits and that's with one extra person.
It's pretty aweome seeing how the Lord look out for us.  I remember first moving to Boise and just wondering how things were going to work out as far as jobs and stuff.  I would get frustrated when things didn't go the way I thought they should.  Looking back it's nice to see that the Lord had a better vision in mind then I did.
We are loving the friendship we are making here and things just feel right :)
Pregnancy news: This is embarrassing to write but I kind of want to remember details like this for future pregnancies.  At my appointments I never ask how much I weight.  I don't want to obsess about my weight and I've told my nurse and doctor to just let me know if I've gained too much or too little. At my 30 week appointment my doctor said I had gained 7lbs in the past 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! Actually I was proud of myself for not freaking out too bad.  Those two week I had slacked on my workouts and we had eaten out quite a bit.  Plus I could tell the baby had gone through a growth spurt.  But this was a good wake-up call to get my booty back in gear.  My goal for the past two weeks has been to workout for an hour a day, no eating out, and to eat a serving of veggies and drink a glass of water before dinner each night.  Small goals but they have helped me feel accomplished each day.
So far my weight gain has been 28lbs.  I was hoping to gain 35lbs overall.  My doctor says to gain up to 40lbs would be fine for me and my height and how much I started out weighing.
I feel like normally I gain weight in my face but with pregnancy I swear I am seeing cellulite on my butt and thighs and that my arm are getting jiggly.
In other pregnancy events... I totally peed my pants the other day! I had just gotten back from the grocery store and needed to go to the bathroom but I wanted to unload all the groceries first.  So I sneezed and totally lost control of my bladder.  So much so that I had to change my pants!! More motivation to do those keigal exercises and lesson learned to not try to hold it.
In other news we found out during spring break that Thomas was accepted into Boise State's MRI program for next fall! It is two semesters and will result in him earning his Bachelor's degree.  We have heard that they are really accomadating with students' schedules so he will be able to work still and do his clinicals.  Although this probably means he will be at the hospital doing clinicals all morning/afternoon and then stay at the hospital to work till 11pm at night :( We will be taking full advantage of his time off from school this summer and the timing couldn't have been better since he will be able to be home a lot when the baby comes.


  1. Wow you have been busy! Subbing keeps you on your toes!

  2. You're so adorable! Love the post! And I'm really glad things are going well for the two of you.
