Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Warning: Pregnancy

You know how pills always have the warnings on the bottles of them with the possible side effects? I would like to warn all teenage girls having unprotected sex of the side effects of pregnancy.
Side effects may include:  nausea, vomiting, constipation, acne, fatigue, sore boobs,
bouts of breathlessness, inability to control bladder while sneezing, restless legs, backache, sleepless nights, frequent urination, bloody noses, leaky breasts, muscle cramps, food aversions, and food cravings.

Am I forgetting anything? 


  1. heartburn! That was a big one for me. Body never the same, weeks of heavy bleeding post baby, etc. etc... great list!

  2. Man, I'm 22 weeks now, and I threw up so hard yesterday that I gave myself a bloody nose.

    Hooray, pregnancy!

  3. You are spot on Linds! You should come over some morning or afternoon and I can tell you everything that is coming back to me about having a new babe in the house.

  4. Stretch marks, swelling, gas, sore ribs, temperary loss of hearing, no feeling in top teeth and nose, and increased gag reflex! Hope all is well. Keep hanging in there, it is all worth it the first time you hold her!

  5. ps Thomas must be so grateful for you!

  6. Lol. And extreme emotional tantrums, loss of motor skills, and loss of balance. :)

  7. inability to control gas... I also once pooped my pants when throwing up haha, irritability, unexplainable crying

  8. Looks pretty comprehensive to me. And then, after you have Brooklyn don't forget to post more side effects!

  9. Swollen feet and hands, mood swings and labor
