Thursday, May 14, 2015

Going Away Party at Berndhart's

My friend Joslyn was so sweet to offer to throw us a going away party at her place.  They have the perfect home for hosting an outdoor get together.  While the grown ups chatted away all the kids had a fun time playing together.
 Brooklyn has made some wonderful friends in Boise and it breaks my heart a little to have to move her away from them.  I've always loved the idea of having my kids grow up going to elementary, junior high, and high school with the same friends.  I love that most of Brooklyn's friends we have known since they were newborns.  photo IMG_8046_zps7wiljhdw.jpg  photo IMG_8056_zps2zeufc5f.jpg
I can't even express how blessed we have been in the area of friendships. We have inspiring, positive, kind, and just plain wonderful friends.
I'll go ahead and explain how we know each of the families.
Joslyn I met through student teaching.  She taught next door to the classroom I student taught in.  Joslyn also became a running buddy.  She is super fit and a great motivation to me.  There were a couple races that we did training runs together and would ride to the races and celebrate afterwards together. Joslyn teaches Stroller Strides and always plans the most kick butt workouts.  photo IMG_8029_zpsow5l3ajt.jpg Rachel I met through Stroller Strides.  She was my Body Back instructor.  Rachel is super outgoing, kind, and funny.  photo IMG_8054_zpstuyq0j3b.jpg Rebecca I met through a mom's group called Treasure Valley International Mom's Group.  (There are a lot of mom's from other countries).  photo IMG_8041_zpsdr8tjdta.jpg
Kalee I met through Baby Signing Time class.  Her daughter is Lucy and I think Lucy and Brooklyn look a lot alike. Lucy and Brooklyn also did Boogie Babies and Mommy and Me yoga together.  Kalee is also part of the International Mom's Group.  photo IMG_8037_zps5swmdew3.jpg
Pammy I met when our girls were just days old.  We both went to a breastfeeding support group.  Pammy does Stroller Strides as well and is part of a couple other mom's groups I am part of.  Pammy is seriously the most positive person I think I've ever met.  She always sees the good in people and gives them the benefit of the doubt.  photo IMG_8052_zps2maat0ga.jpg Indy and Josh I met through church.  We did a lot of babysitting swapping.  There little girl Kiona and Brooklyn are the leader girls in nursery.  They like to let other kids know what to do in nursery.  Josh and Indy had to be out of their apartment at the end of May due to construction and it worked out that they would move into our old apartment so they could stay in the ward.  photo IMG_8031_zpso7coj0ok.jpg Hailey I met through Stroller Strides.  She is also a runner and her, Joslyn, and myself would occasionally go on runs together.  photo IMG_8040_zpscnzngmoj.jpg Jillian is one of my first really close friends I met in Boise.  We were both asked to help out at a Christmas party at church when we were new to the area and we have been friends every since.  Jillian was the one who got me into the book club.  photo IMG_8032_zps95ymtmbi.jpg Holly Glynn worked with Thomas in xray. Her and her husband recently joined Team Beef and it was fun having some buddies at some of the races and events.  photo IMG_8034_zpsn8rog9iu.jpg

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