Brooklyn has had a tricycle that her Great Grandma Golladay purchased for her last year. I really liked it because I didn't have to bend over to push it, it had a handle. Recently. she has been swatting my hand away and saying "I do it! I do it!". The only problem was she still couldn't quite reach the peddles.
A friend from playgroup had recommended a certain brand of balance bike because the seat went down really low for shorter kids. We tried a few out at stores around town but all the seats were way too high at even the lowest point.
Brooklyn likes to take her bike everywhere with us so we basically just keep it in the back of the car. She isn't quite at the gliding point but I am very impressed with her skill thus far.
This picture is of last year about the same time. Look how much she's changed!!! Her cousin Kaden is pushing her on the trike.
She had just woken up from her nap and was so excited to see her new bike all assembled. We had been talking about it for the week leading up to its delivery and watched some YouTube videos of other kids her age riding them.
I love that you watched videos and talked to her about it. She has really changed! How cute!