Friday, July 27, 2012

2 Months

This pretty little lady is two months now!

We took her to her two month check-up today and she was in the 50th percentile for height (21 1/4 inches), weight (10lbs 6 oz), and head circumference (?).

We are doing an alternate vaccine schedule where she gets all her shots but they are spread out so she just gets two shots per visit and goes in for shots more often.  I didn't think I would vary from the regular vaccine schedule til we had Brooklyn and then I just realized that her body is so small and it seemed like an overload to give her so many shots at once.  I read "The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child" and both Thomas and I agreed we felt most comfortable doing the alternate schedule. 
It's really hard making these kind of decisions. So many opinions and I am totally a people pleaser so it's hard to do something different than what some people think.  But in the end you just have to research things and pray about it and then just go with what you think is best.

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