Monday, April 4, 2011

Strep, Books, Grad Fest

Strep: Friday we went over to my sister's for dinner and played Wii Mario Kart and watched a movie.  While watching the movie my throat started hurting when I swallowed.  We got home and I had white spots all over the back of my throat.  The student health center is closed on the weekend so I toughed it out.  My sweet sweet honey bunches of oats woke up Saturday morning and ran to the store to get Powerade, and chloralseptic, and cough drops for me.  Love that man.  Poor guy had to sleep on the couch the past couple nights cause I'm so stuffed up and snoring like crazy. 
I went to the health center today and they tested me for mono and strep.  Apparently I have a pretty great immune system and the strep had pretty much ran it's course over the weekend. 

Books: I recently read "The Great Fitness Experiment".  This lady decides that over the span of a year she is going to try out a different fitness program each month.  Really interesting.  Basically the moral of the story is that you have to find out what program works for you. 
I am now reading "The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton.  So far I love it.  It's about a little girl who gets put on a boat from England to Australia and nobody knows who she belongs to.  The dock master brings her home and takes her in.  When she is 21 she is told that she was adopted and it totally changes how she thinks about herself.  That's about as far as I've gotten so far and so far so good.

Graduation: Bea and I went and picked up our cap and gowns this past week :)

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