Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I will always remember graduation weekend.  Both my parents, my Grandma Larkin,  my in-laws, and my husband's grandma came to help celebrate.  It was extra special too because my sister graduated as well.  My parents came on Wednesday and surprised my sister by bringing my Grandma from Mexico.

Thomas and I made our favorite cajun chicken pasta and we all had dinner together and played Guitar Hero.  Thursday Thomas' parents and grandma came.

We met them in Idaho Falls for dinner at Applebee's.  On Thursday I attended the job fair on campus for future teachers.  There were tons of recruiters from Utah and I actually had two interviews.  One of the principles who interviewed me said he would like me to come down this week to see the school and to have a second interview.  I was really excited about it but after thinking about it for awhile I realized it just isn't realistic to leave for a day while I just started student teaching.  And then I would start my training the week after student teaching ends (middle of June).  Our apartment lease ends in October and our plans are for Thomas to start Boise State University in August.  So I'm flattered but I have to decline the offer. I just hope that I can be as lucky for finding a job in Boise for this next fall. 
After the job fair my Mom and Grandma came over to help Thomas and I pack.  I was really surprised how quickly it went.  We had saved all our boxes from our previous move so there was no stress trying to find boxes.  It only took about four hours with four of us working to get basically everything packed.   There are perks to being poor college students, you don't have lots of junk to have to pack. 
Friday was my last final and our families met for lunch at a little teriyaki place right near campus.  It looks like a dump inside but the food is great and you for $6 you get enough to feed two plus leftovers.  After lunch we walked around campus and showed our parents the new BYU-Idaho center which has ten basketball courts and an indoor track and a huge auditorium.  We also stopped by the bookstore.  Thomas got me the cutest purple BYU-Idaho hoodie for a graduation present.  That night we spent at our bare apartment playing games with my in laws and grandma in law.  So much fun! We love monopoly deal.
Saturday was an early, long, wonderful day.  Briana and I met to line up for commencement services.  They had signs in the gym with our departments and Bea and I's were in the same line.  Bea made a comment that we looked like we all should be in a Harry Potter movie with our black gowns on.  It was true.  I loved walking into the huge BYU-Idaho center and having the pomp and circumstance being played on the organ.  All the proffesors lined the hallway as we walked in and clapped for us while the audience was standing.  There were a few speakers and a choir that sang that was amazing! After commencement we found our families and then took pictures in the gym and then headed to the Hart Auditorium for convocation.

  At convocation is where your department has a speaker and where you actually walk across the stage and get your diploma.  After convocation we headed to Bea and Ivan's for lunch before getting professional pictures taken.  The same photographer who took Thomas and I's one year pictures took the pictures for us.  Saturday night we had a party at one of the buildings on campus.  We had pizza, kansas dirt cake, peanut butter balls, muddy buddies, and chi wow wow bean dip some of our family favorites.  And we had a Bunko party.  Our families were there and some of our friends Kelsey and Brandon and Will and Justin. 
Sunday we got up at 6am to get ready to move.  Our friend Justin was going home to Yakima so we got him to pull a trailer for us so that we didn't have to pay $400 for a U-haul truck.  Thomas drove with Justin and Thomas' Grandma drove with me.  She kept me entertained the whole way with stories, it was really fun.  Our new apartment is really nice and we are pretty much all unpacked.  We are enjoying having a hot tub and workout room and the awesome weather.  We have gone on a nice four mile run together and kept exclaiming how beautiful the weather is and the neighborhoods.  Thomas walked me to school this morning and it was so nice! We are going to make it a little routine to have him walk me to school.  More to come on my first day of student teaching :)


  1. So glad you guys are here! What a great weekend with family! The weather has been awesome, but tomorrow it is supposed to be pretty rainy. Can't wait to hang out!


  2. Congrats Linds! You're a superwoman! XO
