Friday, April 6, 2018

Wells 9 Months

Weight 19lbs (34th percentile)
Height 2' 4.35" (42nd percentile)
Head Circumference 46.3 cm (81st percentile)

Top two teeth are just now visible.  One has completely popped out and the other is just visible through the gums. We got him an amber teething necklace and it has helped a ton with the drooling.

Consistent two naps a day.

Waking up about once a night.

Brooklyn loves to get in his crib and play with him and he loves it.

Still army crawling.  I raced him the other night and I'm being serious when I say he is faster than I am. He will get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth but hasn't really crawled in a traditional fashion yet.

Loves the song that goes: "Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.  Clap, clap, clap your hands as quickly as you can." He will try and clap by putting the palm of one hand on the top of the other hand.

Has to eat what we are eating .  If he sees us eating something he'll let us know that he wants it too.  We were at Costco the other day and Thomas was holding him while he got a sample.  Wells just started crying and we realized it was because he wanted a sample too! As soon as he got a taste he was good.

LOVES cats and dogs.  We were at a friend's house the other day and he was crawling all over trying to pet their cat. When we are on walks and he sees a dog he just starts kicking and laughing as the dog approaches.

 He has his certain spots that he loves to crawl to and play, including this spot where we keep the DVD's.

At the end of the month he just started having separation anxiety! Darn it!! I thought maybe we'd skip that with Wells.  He's always been so good about going to other people easily.  Our neighbor came over to watch the kids for me and he cried for a good 20 minutes before Brooklyn calmed him down with some maracas.  I thought maybe it had to do with him remembering his surgery and that the last time I left him he was put under.  Our pediatrician reassured me it's completely developmentally appropriate at 9 months.

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