Thursday, October 31, 2013

BSU game with the babe

We went to our second BSU game and took Brooklyn to her first.  Well, okay she was a fetus of like 6 weeks or so when we went to our first, so you can decide if it was her first or second.
We drove part of the way there and parked then biked the rest of the way so we didn't have to deal with traffic.  They have a courtesy valet bike parking where they watch your bikes for you during the game which is AWESOME!
Since Thomas is a student his ticket is free and then we just pay for a guest ticket for me.  We were on the very end of the student section which seemed to be a little less crazy.  We had some fun people behind us who entertained Brooklyn most of the game with their cheering.  Brooklyn did awesome the first half and just started to get restless after halftime so we took turns walking with her part of the third quarter but were still able to enjoy the game.  Thomas even scored some free kettle corn for us as he was walking around with Brooklyn since they were closing down.  That entertained her for the rest of the game that we were there. We left partway through the 4th quarter when it was clear BSU had won the game.
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Brooklyn is waving to the band as they enter the stadium playing.
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Enjoying some roasted pecans.
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Trying to figure out why the people behind us are going crazy.
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Checking out the crowd.
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Bronco Fam
Now whenever there is a football game on t.v. Brooklyn gets really excited and shouts "GOOOO!!!!!" So on that note GO BRONCOS!!!

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