Monday, October 29, 2012

5 months

This little girl makes me SO happy! My favorite thing in the world is going to get her from her bassinet/rocker when she wakes up from a nap or in the morning.  She gives me the biggest smile ever and is so happy to see me.  It doesn't matter that it's 6:30 in the morning, I am a happy mama to see that smile.

At 5 months Brooklyn...
- Goes to bed around 7pm and generally sleeps for 12-13 hours. Wakes up 2-3 times to eat.
- Takes 1 hour naps randomly throughout the day.

-  Is working on sitting up.  She will lean forward over her spread out legs and can balance for a few seconds before she starts to topple.
- Loves to watch us eat.  I noticed that she starts to move her mouth and imitate the motion of chewing and will start to drool even more when watching us eat.
- Will tolerate tummy time if she is laying horizontal across my tummy or on my shins airplane style.
- Is starting to be more interested and engaged when I am reading her books.  (She really tries to eat them)
- LOVES dancing with us to music.  Her faves are Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber (a girl after my own heart).  She smiles and giggles when we dance.
- Giggles when I make exaggerated faces at her, when dancing, and when getting kisses.
- As soon as a camera comes out she gets a straight face and just stares at the camera.
- Wears size 1 diapers
- Still really enjoys being out around other people. But she wants her mama nearby.  During the day if I set her down and walk out of her sight a lot of times she cries.  I really want her to be able to go to anyone and not have separation anxiety but it's hard when she is just with me the majority of the time.  She loves her mama.

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