Monday, March 19, 2012

Kids and pregnancy

I enjoy the comments I get from students now that I have a pregnant belly.

Third grade student: "Is your baby going to come out from your legs or your stomach?"

First grade student: "What I don't get is how the baby comes out?!"

First grade student (after giving me a hug): "Whoa! Your stomach is hard as a rock!"

It's also always funny when they ask if I'm pregnant. The older kids are kind of scared to because they are starting to understand that it may not be the best thing to ask a woman.  They are always relieved when I say that yes I am.  Sometime I want to say that I'm not and see what someone says. :)

Today in third grade one of the student comes up to me with a kids anatomy book and there are pictures of a lady's stomach with the baby in size at different times during pregnancy and she asked me which one was me.  :)

I've had a couple kinder kids come up and put their ears up to my stomach and say they can hear the baby.  It's pretty darn cute.

I kind of love it when the kids will just come up and hug my stomach.  I had one student that would do it like every hour.

I remember being freaked out when I had to be around pregnant ladies when I was younger.  I have a memory of spending the night at a friend's house and when I saw that her mom was pregnant I started crying because I was scared.  Haha


  1. My kinders used to be so funny about it too when I was pregnant with Graham. One little girl would always touch my stomach and say, "I can feel it moving". But I had never even felt him move for the first time. Kids are so funny!

  2. This is so hilarious Lindsey I love the innocent things that come out of kids mouths. We hear some good stuff in preschool too...that is the ones we understand! HA!!

    I'm so excited for you!

  3. LOL at the last paragraph. I LOVE you!

  4. I love you linds. I love that I can hear your voice in these paragraphs and see you smile after the paragraph. ;)

    I wanna see a prego pic again, please!

  5. Oh how funny! I love it! My niece, Emma, was totally freaked out when I was pregnant with my first because when I finally sat down, Clara would wake up and start moving around, and it was so weird to her. :) And I agree, we need more belly pics!
