Saturday, September 11, 2010

Post #100

My first blog post was November 1, 2009 and today is my 100th post! Today has been a most excellent Saturday, doing some of my favorite things.
#1 went running.  Last night Karlee texted me to tell me she was scheduled for a 10 miler and wanted to know if I wanted to join her.  I told her I'd meet her for 5 miles.  We met at her house (she only lives about a half mile away) at 8am.  Karlee had already ran 4 miles.  It was cold out this morning! I wore long sleeves the whole time and was wishing I had gloves for the first mile or so.  We ran to the nature park which has a paved path.  I had ran here before but I wasn't aware of a little dirt bike trail that you can take that leads you through some wooded/camping areas.  Nice! I love new running routes.  We then ran up the mile long hill that leads up to the temple and looped back home.  I ended up running six and felt fantastic.  I felt a runners high that last mile and it felt wonderful! It's been good to have a break to be able to recognize how great running makes me feel.  I'm so glad I have a friend to run with! Hopefully this next week classes will start at the gym so I can start going to those too, while Thomas can lift weights (or join me in the classes).
#2 Thomas and I went for a bike ride.  I just absolutely love going on bike rides.  By the time we went it was perfect weather.  We first stopped at a local bike shop to have them look at my breaks.  They are super squeaky and the back break seems to slide and doesn't fully stop me.  It's kind of embarrasing going downhill through campus and squeaking all the way down.  We thought I should get new break wires but the guy at the shop said he thought it was the break pads.  He put some new ones on the back tire and sent us on our way. That wasn't the problem, still can't stop.  Waste of ten dollars.  Instead of going back to try another solution we decided to see if I could just use my brother in law Ivan's bike for the next little while.  Also, my bike is like a 12 year old Wal-mart bike so going uphill (and my classes are all at the top of a hill) is VERY difficult.  Even just going on a flat path I have to be in second gear.  Ivan's bike should work better.  I really want to get a nice bike someday.  I think I want a hybrid bike so that I can use it in tri's but also take it out on trails.  I'll have to find somebody who is not a sales person to explain to me about good bikes cause I have learned you can't trust that somebody who works in a bike shop knows there stuff. 
Running and biking, I just love those two things.


  1. Wow, we've had our blog for over 2 years and haven't even hit 50 posts yet. . . good job!
