Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to School and Workouts

I've been loving doing whatever workout I feel like doing. Monday was fartleks with Thomas. Tuesday was level 3 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred, today was 5k with about 1.5 mile of it uphill.  I read in my new Runner's World that once you have been running for awhile, in order to increase speed I need to speed up at the end of my runs. So the last mile I really tried to pick the pace up.  Overall I averaged like a 9:15 pace. Yikes, I need to be going like a minute faster than that.  But I'll give myself credit, half of it was uphill. 
School starts tomorrow!! AHHH!! I already recieved an e-mail from one of my professors with an assignment for the first day.  It took me two hours! That stressed me out a little bit. I'm afraid I'm not going to be juggle everything school, working out, work, making dinner, keeping the apartment clean, etc. But the good thing is that I really think I'll enjoy the classes I'll be taking.  They are mostly practicum classes which means I'll be doing lots of lessons and even get a chance to be in a classroom doing reading interventions in a local elementary school.  And I'm starting my application for student teaching.  I'm hoping to do it this spring or next fall in Boise.  I was going to post my rough draft of my letter of introduction but I made even more changes and still want to fix it up a bit.  Wish me luck!


  1. how fun that you get to apply for student teaching now!! Hope the school year goes better than you hope! :D

  2. Running fast at the end of your workout is a fantastic way to teach your body that it can do more. Way to put the pedal to the metal!
