School, school, school. That is my life right now. I am happy to say that I've been getting up every morning at 6:30am to work out. This makes it a little less stressful later in the day. Every day this week I've done a Jillian Michael's video. Apparently Bob from Biggest Loser has just come out with some videos too and they are killer! I really want to get them and try them out. This next Monday free excercise classes start at the gym on campus, I can't wait for that.
I really am enjoying my classes. Here they are:
Literacy Practicum- I'm assigned to a first grade classroom and so far what I've done is work with them in small groups on literacy skills like ryhming and intial sounds. The kids are adorable and so well behaved. My cooperating teacher is super nice and young and very nice to talk to. I'm so glad I feel so comfertable around her and the students.
Science Methods- This class I learn how to teach science. My teacher is amazing and makes it very interesting and applicable. Yesterday she let us do an experiement on how to split an atom using water, rubbing alcohol and vegetable oil. She pointed out how if we as college students loved this activity so much imagine elementary kids.
Hispanic Civilizations- This class we learn about the history of different hispanic countries. We have already been put in groups to start researching the countries we have been assigned. I am assigned to Venezuel and Columbia.
Exceptional Students- This class is taught by another wonderful teacher. Here we study the history of special education. Right now we are getting into the laws concerning special ed. I really like this class it is so interesting to me.
Weight Training- I am partners with a girl from Russia. We have so far maxed out on bench and squat. I remember doing this in high school and I was a lot stronger! We also took all of our measurements calves, thighs, waist, shoulders, chest, forearm, bicep, and neck. I'm excited to see improvement as the semester goes on.
Math Methods- is learning how to teach math. Every day we come prepared to teach a math activity in a small group. I love being creative and modifying math activities to better suite students.
Religion- this class is online so I thought it would be super easy but it takes up a lot of time. It's crazy how technology has changed. There is something called Adobe Connect where you can meet with your classmates and teacher online for meetings and video chat, IM, and voice chat.
I'm really glad that I enjoy the classes I am taking, it makes it a lot easier to get up in the morning, go to class, and then come home and do homework til 9pm.