Friday, July 9, 2010

The Move

We are in Idaho!! We arrived last Friday night extremely late.  It usually takes about 11 1/2 hours to get from where we live in Washington to here in Idaho.  Because we had the U-haul trailor it took 15 1/2 hours!

Lucky that I had this funny guy to keep me entertained the whole way, even while he was driving.

This was after about 14 hours of driving. 
 Such a long drive.  I had been hoping to unpack that night because I thought we would get there around 9pm but we ended up waiting til the next morning.
We spent Friday night at my sister Briana's house.  Saturday morning I was anxious to go on a run after being cooped up in a car for 15 1/2 hours.  So I want on a little 5 mile cruise around campus.  While on my way back to Bea's house I was running down mainstreet and felt like I was running a race because the street was lined with people waiting for the 4th of July parade to start. 
We really like our new apartment.  The bathroom is bigger, kitchen is bigger, we have two bedrooms instead of just one, and there is a washer and dryer! My favorite part is the washer and dryer.  That was a must while we were searching around for apartments. 
Also, we no longer live in a ghetto neighborhood with a drug dealer neighbor. 
Since we are no longer living there I will share.  We lived in a four-plex in a part of town that had really old small houses and was pretty close to where the gang action would go on.  There was a lady who lived two apartments down from us who ALWAYS had people coming and going from her apartment at all hours of the night.  This became a problem when they would park in our and other tenants parking spots.  Our landlady put up towing signs to get it to stop but it continued.  I called the towing company a couple times (although I was a bit scared whoevers car got towed would find out it was me and come shoot me).  One particular time the tow truck was just down the alley way to get to our parking.  Drug dealer lady sees the tow truck and gets in the car to move it.  She rolls down the window as she passes and asks him what he's doing and tells him he can't tow the truck cause she lives in the apartment complex and it's her truck.  First of all it was not her truck, she didn't have it registered with the land lady, second of all even though she lives there it's our designated parking spot. 
So our landlady tells us she is trying to evict this lady and she should be out by the beginning of January.  I don't think the actually was out till the middle of February.  Our landlady is the sweetest person and was telling me when I turned in our keys that she has had to take this lady to court and it's just been a big mess.  She kept track of some of the license plate numbers of the cars that were coming and going and one of them was involved with a homicide!
There was a lot of shady stuff going on with this lady.  She had cameras in her windows to watch for people.  One time late at night she knocked on our door and asked me if I had seen anyone come because her door was ripped of of its frame and her apartment and been broken in to.  Scary stuff!
So that was our first apartment.  We are happy that it can and will only be better after that.
I was never really scared but I made sure that our door was locked and deadbolted all the time.  I remember two nights in the middle of the night, where I kept hearing someone ring the doorbell over and over and I was praying that I remembered to lock the door.  (Thomas slept through it both times!)
So I would like to now present our very first apartment that we not so sadly said goodbye to.

We were the apartment on the very end.

The alley to get to our parking in the back. 

Living room (my mom peaking through the door).

Our tiny little kitchen.

Dad with all our gear loaded up in front of our old apartment.

The view down the street.

The view down the other side of the street. 


  1. was your old apartment in Rexburg? Sounds like a fun neighbor. I'm going to be in Rexburg the end of July through the middle of August. We should get together, maybe go for a run - although my running would be a brisk walk for you, i'm slow! :)

  2. Our old apartment was in Washington. We should totally get together!

  3. Yikes, the old place sounds like it was high time yall moved! Glad you made it to your new home!
