Friday, July 30, 2010


Today's run was 11 miles, usually I do my long runs on Saturday but I decided to switch it up since my parents are in town this weekend.  The alarm went off at 8am and as usual I almost turned it off and rolled back over and fell asleep.  But then I remembered the heat and got my booty out of bed. Thomas drove me 11 miles away and dropped me off surrounded by potato fields.
The first mile was on a dirt road.  This big truck hauling potatoes zoomed past me flinging a big ol rock at me and hitting me on the arm.  Okay Mr. Truck Drive! Do you not understand that when you drive past someone on a dirt road going 60mph that dirt and rocks are going to fly everywhere?  Maybe we need to sign him up for some basic science class. Rude! I just think it's common sense when you go past a runner you slow down a bit.  Other than that little incident it was a great run. 
We had dropped off a water bottle at mile 5.5 for me to pick up and I had water and Clif Shot Bloks at 6.1 miles.  The first 6 miles felt great, last 5 felt okay.  Perfect temperature, although at the end of the run I was soaked.  I found out a stunk pretty bad cause as I'm stretching in the living room Thomas comes in to say hi and then pretty much goes into the other room right away and asked me to spray some air freshener.  Haha. 
Here were my stats:
11 miles/ 1:44:58/9:32 avg pace


  1. That's a fantastic run, way to go!!

    And yeah, I started running at 4:45 this morning so I could fit in all 9 miles before work. Um, I was still completely soaked by the time I got home. It was so gross. Hurry up fall!

  2. Awesome job! And I totally agree about drivers. I find that most do slow down and even move away from you, but there are a few out there who could care less.
