Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Art City Days 2017

It was so extremely wonderful to have my sister Bea and my mom here when I had Wells and for a bit afterwards.  They gave me so much support and advice and much needed adult interaction when Thomas was gone at his clinical rotation.

We were able to get out and do some fun activities for Springville's Art City Days celebration.

We attended the parade:

Took Brooklyn to  Fun a Rama where for $5 the kids can play on all of the bounce houses and rock wall:
Brooklyn enjoyed her cotton candy and a snow cone.

This one was a little hot air balloon

And my mom woke up super early so she and Brooklyn could go to the hot air balloon launch:

This was the hot air balloon of a high school friend of my mom's and whose wife's story about breast cancer prompted my mom to do a breast self exam where she found a lump. 

1 comment:

  1. Brooky is so well dressed every day, please shop for me! You guys find so much fun to do!
