Monday, December 15, 2014

Steelhead Games with The Smiths

Our Team Beef coordinator emailed me saying she wanted to give Thomas and I four tickets to an Idaho Steelheads game for volunteering at a BSU football game the previous week. The tickets were right on the ice which means we sat right behind the glass where the players sit. It makes the game more exciting when you are so close and can see the fights and pound on the glass like a crazy fan. It was nice being able to catch up with Tess and Ryan and have a night out just us adults.  photo IMG_5348_zps2b277598.jpg  photo IMG_5350_zps7185a020.jpg  photo IMG_5351_zps7c77d138.jpg  photo IMG_5356_zpsd0784e81.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Yay! We had so much fun catching up with you guys too!
