Friday, November 18, 2011

First Grade Funnies

Laurence did come back to school with a completely shaved head.  I overheard a little girl next to him say "Your hair looks kinda weird."  I don't think he'll be cutting his hair again.  Although I did catch him playing with two pairs of scissors under his desk the other day.

One little boy in my class is just so darn adorable, Zeke  Anytime there is trash to be picked up or we need to take out the recycling he is all over it.  He told me the other day "Teacher, I like to help."
I overheard him say to the other students at his table "Guys, did you know that at your wedding you have to kiss in front of EVERYBODY!? That is the part I don't want to do!" I chuckled and he heard me and smiled and said "I don't!"
Zeke appears to be very concerned about his future because on Monday we had a wild kitten inside the school and they announced over the intercom that if any students found it they shouldn't pet it because it might have some diseases and it's not used to being touched.  He called out to me in a very concerned voice "Teacher! I'm scared! I don't want to die! I wanted to live to be a grandpa."

We were at calendar and each week the All About Me student gets to present a little poster about themselves and then the other students can ask five questions or comment.  Andy had put on his poster that his favorite food was ham.  One little girl's question was what his favorite type of ham was.  His response was "turkey ham" and the little girl was all enthusiastic "Mmmmm! I love turkey ham."  Can't say I've every tried turkey ham (I think he meant his favorite food was meat and he calls all meat ham).  Then another bright little first grader commented "Ham comes from a pig's butt cheeks!".  Haha I couldn't help but laugh.

Love those little funny first graders.


  1. They sound hilarious. That is one thing I miss about kindergarten, so many funny stories!

  2. Haha! I love reading about your experiences Linds!

  3. Hilarious! And actually there IS such a thing as turkey ham...! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
