Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

A week and a half left of classes! I have a couple final projects to wrap up and I am done.  Just picked up commencement tickets today for all the family coming in to town. 
We posted our futon and desk and t.v. stand that were in our second bedroom on craigslist and sold them all in one day :) It was kind of random because the person who e-mailed me from craigslist had a familiar name but I thought maybe it was just a coincidence.  When he came over it ended up being someone from our hometown and him and his family have moved her to Rexburg.  Small world :)

And I found out that even though I'm not taking the required 14 credits for an academic scholarship during my student teaching, since it is my last semester they are still giving me the half tuition scholarship.  Phew! I am feeling very blessed this week.  We are still praying that Thomas will find an x-ray job in Boise.  Any additional prayers for him would be much appreciated. 
Speaking of Thomas... one thing I love so much about our relationship is how we can be active together.  Tonight we went to the new indoor track and basketball courts and Thomas played soccer while I ran and did a little Shape Magazine workout (I didn't realize how much that little workout would work me but it did). This past weekend we spent an hour at the gym together.  We kind of do our own things at the gym but when we are both done with our respective workouts we will stretch together and do a little lifting too. 
Also this weekend  I went to my little sister Briana's baby shower.  A girl from her church hosted and the decorations were so cute.  It was a monkey theme and the girls husband is a design major so he created the monkey logo/design.  I tried hummus there for the first time and loved it! I can't wait to make some soon. While Bea and I were at her baby shower our hubbies went out to a place called Big Judd's.  It's a greasy burger joint that has like 5lb burgers and if you eat the whole thing you get your picture on the wall.  The guys came home smelling big time like onions but we forgave them since they brought us ice cream.
Sunday, we went over to Bea and Ivan's and they were oh so kind to let us watch 5 1/2 hours of Grey's Anatomy.  I missed the last season and have slowly been catching up when I can watch it on their NetFlix.

  I finally finished the last season and am all caught up.  We also played a little Yahtzee and ate amazingly tender steaks that Ivan grilled for us. 
Alex is so stinking cute.  Whenever he sees a Yahtzee box he points to the dice and says "Blow! Blow!" Cause when we played at my parents house everybody would have him blow on their dice for good luck before they rolled.

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