Tuesday, August 17, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things

First of all I love The Sound of Music, that's definetly one of my favorite movies.  Ever since I was a little girl I've loved that movie.  After kindergarden my sisters and I would go over to my grandparents house and every day I wanted to watch The Sound of Music.  If my sisters would complain my mom would intervene and I always got to watch it. 
But I wanted to share some of my new favorite healthy summer snacks.  First is frozen grapes.  They are great for getting something sweet and crunchy without a lot of calories. 
Homemade Orange Julius

Here is the recipe:
1- 6oz can of frozen orange juice (I don't think they come in 6oz cans so I just used a whole can and then added more water to the recipe).
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1 tray of ice
Blend it all up and you have like 6 servings of orange julius.  We put the extra in a tupperware container in the freezer and now it's super easy to just take it out, let it thaw for a bit and blend it for a quick and easy cool down drink.
I also just tried the following recipe suggested by Peanut Butter Fingers (she has an awesome healthy eating/living blog). Chocolate Yogurt Mousse

Picture by Peanut Butter Fingers
1 cup greek yogurt
1 spoonful of chocolate pudding mix (I used sugar free and fat free)
fruit of your choosing
This totally satisfies an ice cream and chocolate craving.  I didn't like it so much without the fruit so make sure and put some kind of fruit in there.  Grapes were delicous.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I love orange julius and used to make it all the time! I am gonna have to make this again real soon! Thanks for the recipe!
